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Runway saves your entire team time and headaches by putting manual work on autopilot. Automate recurring tasks in all areas, across all your tools — from branch cuts, version bumps, and cherry picks, to ticket labeling, to releases and rollouts. You’ll regain countless hours and ensure balls aren’t dropped, with no more steady drip of overhead and context‑switching.
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Sync devices in the Apple Developer Portal
Runway will register new devices with the Apple Developer Portal, and disable them when the associated app users are removed from the app in Runway.
Sync provisioning profile devices
Runway will sync valid provisioning profiles in the Apple Developer Portal to include new app user devices if needed.
Trigger workflow after release kickoff
Trigger the configured Release Candidate build workflow after release is kicked off.
Release cycle
Directory sync support for Runway team members
Runway will automatically keep your organization members and their access levels in sync with your company directory.
Transition issue tracking tickets when release is completed
On release completion, transition issue tracking tickets to the configured status.
Release cycle
Upload dSYMs to stability monitoring platform
For each new build, automatically upload its dSYM files to your crash reporting tool to allow for desymbolication.
Release cycle
Upload builds for distribution
Automatically upload build artifacts from specific CI workflows to configured destinations in TestFlight or Play Console.
Release cycle
Cherry pick fixes from development branch to release branch
For any late-arriving fixes or other work required for a given release, automatically cherry pick them onto your release branch after they're merged into your development branch.
Release cycle
Delete release branches when each release is completed
Once a given release is completed and tagged, automatically delete its release branch.
Release hygiene
Provision and de-provision team members in App Store Connect and Play Console
Automatically invite new team members to App Store Connect or Play Console with the appropriate permissions, and remove access for team members who leave your team.
Backmerge changes from release branch
Automatically backmerge late-arriving work that exists only on your release branch to your development branch and any other upcoming release branches.
Release cycle
Apply beta testing notes to new beta builds
Automatically copy over 'What to Test' or beta release notes of a previous build in TestFlight or Play Console to the next new build.
Beta testing
Add default review attachments to App Store Connect submissions
For each submission to Apple, automatically attach default reviewer info including file attachments.
App store tasks
Create a new Slack channel for each release
Automatically create a new, dedicated Slack channel for each release.
Release cycle
Halt unstable phased rollouts
Automatically pause a phased rollout if configured health metrics fall outside acceptable thresholds you define.
Release cycle
Accelerate stable phased rollouts
Automatically release an update to all users early, if configured health thresholds are satisfied and a minimum adoption rate is reached.
Release cycle
Promote uploaded builds to default testing tracks
Whenever new builds are uploaded to Google Play Console, promote them to any initial default track for testing.
Release cycle
Bump version on working branch
Runway will bump the version on your working branch according to the strategy set for the app.
Release cycle
Assign uploaded builds to default testers
Whenever new builds are uploaded to TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution, or App Center, assign them to any default groups of testers.
Beta testing
Submit new builds for TestFlight beta review
Automatically submit new builds for TestFlight beta review as soon as processing finishes.
Beta testing
Apply default export compliance answers to builds
Automatically apply default export compliance answer to each build uploaded to App Store Connect.
App store tasks
Release build on schedule
Automatically release your app update (and start your rollout, if applicable) on a scheduled date and time.
Release cycle
Submit build on schedule
Automatically submit the selected build for store review on a scheduled date and time.
Release cycle
Kick off release on schedule
Automatically kick off each release, e.g. by creating a release branch or triggering your RC workflow, on a scheduled date and time.
Release cycle
Add fix versions and labels to tickets
Automatically apply missing fix versions or other labels tying project management tickets to the release their work ships with.
Release hygiene
Merge Runway PRs once checks complete
For any pull request opened by Runway (e.g. version bump PR), automatically merge the PR, waiting for required checks and approvals where applicable.
Create release tag in git
At the end of each release cycle, automatically tag the final commit and generate a release record summarizing changes and attaching artifacts where applicable.
Release hygiene
Prepare next release
Automatically draft your next release, including prep work like assigning a release pilot and target kickoff, submit, and release schedule.
Apply release notes
Automatically apply release notes (from default, previous release, or latest testing notes) to each release.
App store tasks
Attach artifacts to GitHub or GitLab releases
When tagging each release, automatically attach the final artifacts to the release record in GitHub or GitLab.
Download & share build artifacts
Automatically download artifacts generated by your CI/CD workflows, and optionally notify your team with direct links to download builds.
Create and sync new app store versions
Automatically create new versions in App Store Connect and new draft production releases in Google Play Console when you begin to prepare your next release.
App store tasks
Select latest build
Automatically select the latest available build to prepare for release in App Store Connect or Google Play Console.
App store tasks

Have an idea for another automation?

Our architecture supports quick rollout of new automations, and we’re always ready to prioritize based on customer needs. If an automation that would save your team even more time doesn't yet appear above, get in touch — chances are, we can get that implemented for you.

Release better with Runway

End-to-end automation and a single source of truth for your entire mobile team
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